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"Luxury in each detail" - Hubert Givenchy

Yesterday I was hang out with my friend, we talked about everything from love life, our lives, someone’s life, and sex. Yes I do talk about sex with my friend(s), yes we share some crazy stories and awkward-sex-moment to each other (maybe I will wrote about that later or someday). And then she talked about my blog, she completely on the same page with me about my last post (I kinda surprise that my friend read my blog, because I really aware that my blog aren’t popular as myself), even though she agree to me, but she said that I (kinda) rude ( I don’t know, rude is a strong word right?). And she said that I should put a warning sign in my blog.

It made me thinking, “is it?Well if someone feel offended with my post, I’m sorry but I will not apologize what I have said. That post was completely my honest thoughts and my opinions. Am I a bad person or superior-self person who hate everyone designs and mine was better or even great. No, I’m not that shallow, I just said that your designs are bad and if I can work with you, I can improve or give my touch to your designs, I’m just saying. And my purpose is for you designer, you can do it better than that (seriously).  And my post was not all about my (kinda) rude comments to (all of) your designs. To show all of you reader that I’m more than that, so today I will talking about my favorite show, its GIVENCHY.

Okay let’s get started (I’m so excited). A few weeks ago GIVENCHY showed their collection for spring summer 2016 in NYFW, and that was the most talked about show in this year. This was the first GIVENCHY (I may say debut) in NYFW. It was amazingly beautiful, I don’t even know where to start. Okay, how about I will give you facts about GIVENCHY and RICARDO TISCI (its pronounced ti-shee).

  • “The dress must follow the body of the women, not the body of the women following the shape of the dress” that is his famous line in 1952. Well nowadays we (I refer to myself during judging somebody’s dress or outfit) can say “dress the body you have, not the body you want”

  • Monsieur Hubert de Givenchy worked alongside with Christian Dior and Pierre Balmain, he also has worked with Madam Coco Chanel.

  • Givenchy was known for being ahead of his time, Givenchy clothing features haute couture and ready to wear men’s and women’s fashion. Right now Givenchy was known for the mixing style between couture and ready to wear (in just the right amount of the two of them).
  • Audrey Hepburn was his biggest fan and also worked exclusively with Monsieur Givenchy in ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’ and ‘How to Steal Million’. But today Givenchy usually worked exclusively with pop culture artist such as Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, Madonna, and many more
  •   Ricardo Tisci may not traditionally religious of Italian catholic himself, but still he got the religious DNA inside him. That’s his inspiration for Givenchy fall 2011 collection.
  • Superstar transsexual model Lea T was his personal assistant and his fit model
  •  Ricardo Tisci surrounding himself with music, and let it inspire him. His “muses” are Florence Welsch, Jay Z, Bjork, Nicky Minaj and Madonna.
  • Although his “design touch” mostly ‘gothic’ but he likes romantic instead (as a person)
Okay, those are facts about Givenchy and Ricardo Tisci,. Now lets talk about the show, Givenchy spring 2016 collection was shown exactly in 9/11 events. It was completely celebration of life and love in the New York. Right at the Hudson River and Manhattan glittering building, and also the twilight sky improved the show. The set was amazing, it was build with some kind of trash recycle stuffs aesthetically by Marina Abramovich as the Artistic Director of the show. The music was awesome, there was a catholic Italian song, some-kind-of-female-monk-sang-in-the-temple song, and I didn’t know what else, but the song list completing the show and collection. 

There’s some kind of like purity and femininity but still have androgynousity-signature touch of Ricardo Tisci.  Not just that, but also there’re some religions element smashed into the show. the show was romantically mysterious and absolutely mind-blowing.

The collection was really beautiful (actually above beautiful, but I just don’t know the words, no in fact its beautifully unexplained). The collection mostly in black and white color palette (I like it, it shows the simplicity and elegance), also the black and white layering like the night gown (it kind of remind me with Chanel fall winter 2015 collection, you know the last dress Cara Delevigne and Kendall Jenner wore in the closing of the show). The lace, the silhouette, and the lining was simply beautifully unexpected. You can feel the gothic-romantic dress in couture dress with a beautiful mask (there’s a moth in the mask, so I think maybe he is inspirited from silence of the lamb). The shoes were great, but became an issue for some models (yes some models fell, even Candice Swanoepol bruised her knees for falling). I prayed to God to guide Joan Smalls while she was walking,Please don’t fall, please don’t fall”, because she wore a leather strapless dress with big puffy skirt and high cut to thigh (and she totally nailed it).

 I didn’t know how to explain the show, its beyond beautiful and full of superstars. There were Anna Wintour (definitely of course), Julia ‘The Pretty Women’ Roberts, Nicki Minaj (wearing a crazy animal printing and she nailed it of course), Kamye couple shown the preggo bumps, Michael Kors , and many more. What I love is, this is a ready to wear collection, you can wear it as a street-wear but still look badass as couture (like I said, its not too street-wear and its not too couture, its just right). 


Congratulation to you Ricardo Tisci, congrats in your best 10 years in Givenchy. Good job. God bless you (and I love you).

Nb: Gue sengaja nulis pake bahasa inggris karena ternyata kebanyakan yang baca orang luar. So sorry, janji postingan berikutnya gue bakal nulis nyampur bahasa Indonesia ama bahasa inggris lagi kok.


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