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Am I a (good) Fashion Blogger?

Gue baru aja mereview blog gue and comparing to other fashion blogger (well the famous one I mean). Setelah gue sadari ternyata gue gak pernah upload poto outfit gue ato pun poto-poto kece kayak Sonia eryka, Evita Nuh, ato siapapun fashion blogger di Indonesia. It is kinda ironic that I (I labeled myself as fashion blogger) had not a single shot of myself posted on my blog. Apakah fashion blog gue patut dipertanyakan dikarenakan gue sendiri gak punya poto poto kece layaknya fashion blogger lainnya? Well umm bukannya gue gak mau ato gimana ya, tapi gue gak suka aja sih poto-poto kece gitu. Ada beberapa alasan kenapa gue gak mau

·         Gue mau pembaca lebih memahami isi blog gue sendiri dan beberapa pemikiran gue sendiri juga.
  • Gue gak bisa poto-poto kece, actually in any kind of photo shot. I always end up with the weird facial expression or stiff pose (well positive thinking aja kalo si potografernya gak jago ngambil poto gue).
  • The body issue, yap gue akui emang insecure kalo masalah tampang dan badan. Tampang gue itu rata rata sih jeleknya (tapi gak muka rata juga sih ya)  ditambah lagi gue gak tinggi, gak atletis (yeah minimal brisi lah, tapi malah berakir buncit sih), gak putih juga, rambut juga gak gaya.

  • And the last reason and the important reason is, gue gak punya setumpuk baju kece yang bisa di mix and match ato buat ditumpukin didalam lemari. And you know why I don’t have those kinda clothes, because I simply can’t afford it.

Kalo Anna Wintour  Ni Luh Sekar chief editor of Vogue Dewi  (kalo Anna Wintour kayaknya terlalu ngimpi abis deh ya), gak sengaja ketemu di kafe ato di mall trus mendadak dengan absurd dan randomnya nanya gue “Do you have your signature style?”, gue bakal jawab dengan pede nya “I do have style, but I just can’t afford it” (especially in this economy). Well bukannya gue sok sok an sih, tapi gue emang punya personal taste yang bagus. 

Okay I will quote what my judgmental-sassy-bitch friend said to me, “orang berduit hanya beli merek tanpa personal taste yang bagus yang malah jatohnya norak, trus orang yang kreatifitas tinggi dan pede tinggi tapi malah personal tastenya yang jelek (well kalo menurut gue sih lebih tepatnya ‘questionable’) jatohnya juga norak”. That is completely true, banyak orang yang seperti itu beredar dan berputar putar di mall memamerkan outfitnya (of course with proudly). Well gue sih gak benci ama typical orang-orang yang seperti itu ya, lebih tepatnya gue iri sih. Dengan sumber daya mereka seharusnya mereka memiliki personal taste yang bagus, gak sekedar ikutan trend aja, atau terbawa mewahnya sebuah merek aja.

Gue sendiri adalah kombinasi dari personal taste yang bagus, kreafititas tinggi, dan good confident, but then I’m getting hit by reality that I’m a broke as a peasant. So kapanpun gue beli pakaian gue harus pastikan kalo pakaian itu bakal kepake lama dan bener-bener gue butuhkan. If you all don’t believe me, then ask my friends. Temen-temen gue pada hafal seluruh isi lemari gue, mereka tau jumlah kemeja, celana, sepatu, and tees. Dan sekalinya punya new outfit item langsung deh diceng-in. Speaking of my friends, temen-temen gue juga tau gimana bagusnya my personal taste. Gue selalu jadi “bantu cariin kemeja dong”, “rok nya cocok gak buat gue?”, “bagusan mana tas nya menurut lo jak?”. Well as a good friend ya gue bakal bantu yang cocok ama personality mereka sendiri sambil sedikit mempengaruhi (sebenarnya mau pake kata ‘meracuni’ sih, tapi ‘mempengaruhi’ sounds more appropriate) mereka buat coba-coba (at least sih jadi kepikiran ya) for new look. It’s pretty ironic though, gue yang selalu jadi outfit-chooser for my friend but my outfit is less than my fingers. Jujur sih sebenernya agak nyesek juga liat temen bisa beli ini itu trus minta bantu saran ke gue. But as a good friend I will do it gladly (and proudly, hell yeah my personal taste is good), but as fashion blogger (I guess) I quite ashamed to myself.

Back to my style, there’re a few reason that I simply can’t afford it. Yeah well gue sendiri gak berasal dari keluarga berada, let just say that I come from (slightly) middle class family. And then I’m still jobless (I mean a good and steady job). And because I don’t have job, I don’t have a credit card(s), even if I have a credit card(s) probably I will end up like “the confession of shopaholic”. Yup, my life quite sucks, huh. But admit it, the good outfits come with the good price, the price is so good that they can dry up your wallet, choking up your savings, and giving much much more debt to your credit card(s). And you know what is worse than that, the people that you were pleased by your outfit. They completely don’t care how much debt you have just to ‘build’ your signature outfit. 

Well sebenarnya ada beberapa solusi sih, salah satunya adalah thrift shop. Gue pernah tuh thrift shop, tapi bukannya gue sok gak mau pake bekas atau gimana ya, cuman thrift shop di tempat gue itu not quite as clean like in the movies (or Macklemore’s  song). They all are dirty, full of dust, and smelly (YESS REALLY SMELLY). In my experience I should wore mask while do thrift shopping, and always do bargain (remember its thrift shopping, do bargain as low as you want). And then always washed right after you bought it (we never knew how much germs on those thing, so better washed it right away). So it’s quite tricky to do thrift shopping. Gak cuman itu aja kadang kita nemu ‘barang’nya tapi malah gak sesuai ‘bentuk’nya ama yang kita bayangkan. For some people that creative enough, they will ‘fixed it’, motong sana sini, warnain ini itu and then voila jadilah ‘barang’ yang mereka inginkan (tapi ada juga yang terlalu malas buat ngelakuinnya sih).

Okay, gue mulai meracau kemana-mana obrolannya. Back to my topic, gue sih emang gak memiliki poto poto kece layaknya fashion blogger yang tenar dimana-dimana (gue belum tenar aja sih), ato punya setumpuk barang-barang branded buat di mix and match (well gue belum sekaya itu juga sih), tapi gue memiliki pikiran yang kritis in fashion, a good personal taste, and (will be) one hella good designer. Dan isi blog gue sendiri juga tentang pendapat gue for fashion nowadays, gue berharapnya pembaca blog gue gak sekedar nikmatin poto-poto kece aja tapi juga membuka pikiran (or inspired) mereka tentang fashion, style and trend. And someday if i rich enough, i will stuffing my wardrobe with bunch of clothes (from low prices to branded one i guess LOL) and maybe i will do outfit photo or lookbook (right after i learn how to get pose and be photogenic).  

*this one of my design, inspired from Alexander Mcqueen Spring Summer 2007 fashhion show


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