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Maturity Starts When Drama Ends

Last night when i got home from work at 8:15 pm, my friend text me. i looked at it and she said "what are you doing? are you busy? i wanna talk about something". I ignored the text for a while because I'm really tired and just wanna bury my face on to the pillow. A few minutes later, she send me a bunch of text that explain how stupid she is and how much he hating her boyfriend. For the first time in my life i heard that she had a drama and being a drama. Politely i reply her text "Okay, i will call you later, i gotta hit the shower first"

After I'm finished shower i call her and then she tell all of the drama. But then in the middle of my call, a text came from my other friend. She send me bunch of texts that said she hate her mom, her boyfriend, her boyfriends mom. Wow, i just have to listen two drama at the same night? Dude, i cant even finished watching drama 13 Reasons Why. And then it got me thinking, how much drama is too much drama? Is it drama really necessary happens in our life? Is it naive to expecting life without a drama?

I look it up in Merriam-Webster Dictionary the definition of drama. There are two definition of drama:
  1. a composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue and typically designed for theatrical performance
  2. a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces
Number one is a legit definitive of drama (since ancient ago), but then what about number two? I guess we watch tv quite a lot and then comparing drama that we watched with our own life. Is it wrong? No of course not, it's your choice anyway but please be smart. Problem and peoples reaction in real-life when you facing your problem is (way too) different with what on tv.
Sleep is the best way to recharge myself from all of the drama from the office that I've been through. 
I for myself only had two dramas in my entire life (so far). First is family drama (sorry i can't tell you guys about it), and the second is brokenhearted (let's focus on these). How i handle it? I cry, didn't eat, listening all of the Coldplay songs in the album Ghost Story, and shutting myself out from my friends. And then i realize i can't be Le Miserable-Bitch like this anymore, i starting to pull my crap together, get a job, hanging out with friend occasionally, and making a new friends, and then the rest is history.

Now the only drama i have to deal everyday come from the office. And no, is not a funny drama like The Office or Park and Recreation. Well i will tell you guys later about those drama. And now i live my life less-drama, i really thankful, i really am. I can focus on my job, my life, my friends, and now my blog (also planning for travel too). Perhaps you think that my life is kinda boring right now, yeah you can assuming that way it's your own perception anyway. But i don't need drama to spice up my life. I have friends (literally friends and tv series) to make me laugh, making a new friend can make me anxiety, and lots of things to colored up my life.

In the end, we creating our own drama because the way we react and facing our problems. If we just listen carefully, understanding the whole problem and take some time to think to make decision, maybe we can see the big picture and then solve the problem like mature way. Drama is okay, but too much drama is exhausted (i cant even keep up with the Kardashian-Jenner) for your mind and your personality to others. Your life is not like any of those tv series or reality series, it has valuable than that.


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