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Showing posts from 2015

Jakarta Fashion Week 2016: My Very Late Review

Hey readers, sorry it’s been a while since the last post. I’ve been through some dramas before, and no I’m not gonna talked about that. Okay, it’s December already the raining season in my country. Gue suka hujan, it give s me chill, cozy and relaxing mood. Buat beberapa orang lebih menganggap hujan itu momennya buat galau dan sedih-sedihan, and the famous quote is “I love rain, because none can see me crying in the rain”. Well kalo gue sih lebih milih buat singing, s creaming, and dancing in the rain just like when I was a kid and it make s me feel so liberating (so much fun memories). Alasan kedua kenapa gue suka hujan adalah you can wear layers or coats to improve your outfit. Di Indonesia yg begitu “tropical” ini satu-satunya waktu yang tepat buat pake coat or maybe boots cuman pas hujan aja sih. Dan alasan yang terakir adalah karena hujan itu bawa rejeki (according to my religion). Yahh gitu deh ya hujan menurut gue. Okay, sekarang gue bakal ngomongin JFW 2016 Oktober kem...

“I have always believed that fashion was not only to make women more beautiful, but also to reassure them, give them confidence.” — Yves Saint Laurent

Pakaian pertama kali dibuat dari kulit hewan beribu ribu tahun lau sebelum masehi. Berawal dari pakaian biasa lalu berevolusi menjadi suatu identitas social bagi para pemakainya. Biasanya kepala suku memakai hiasan kepala untuk menunjukkan kepemimpinannya diantara rakyat sukunya. For some other, they put diamonds, gold or jewelry on their clothes to shows their royalness. It’s still applied to people nowadays, high quality leather (snake leather, crocs leather, or any kind of leather you can imagine) for bag, a jewels and diamond shimmering in their body. And the goals it’s still to show   their luxurious high style and status in society. So basically jaman dulu ama jaman sekarang gak ada bedanya, pakaian sangat berperan penting dalam menentukan kasta seseorang. Well jaman sekarang pakaian gak jadi sekedar penentu kasta seseorang aja, tapi juga merupakan sebuah trend. People start to having (almost) similarity of style to each other. Mereka ingin terlihat ‘kekinian’. Dan keti...

Am I a (good) Fashion Blogger?

Gue baru aja mereview blog gue and comparing to other fashion blogger (well the famous one I mean). Setelah gue sadari ternyata gue gak pernah upload poto outfit gue ato pun poto-poto kece kayak Sonia eryka, Evita Nuh, ato siapapun fashion blogger di Indonesia. It is kinda ironic that I (I labeled myself as fashion blogger) had not a single shot of myself posted on my blog. Apakah fashion blog gue patut dipertanyakan dikarenakan gue sendiri gak punya poto poto kece layaknya fashion blogger lainnya? Well umm bukannya gue gak mau ato gimana ya, tapi gue gak suka aja sih poto-poto kece gitu. Ada beberapa alasan kenapa gue gak mau ·          Gue mau pembaca lebih memahami isi blog gue sendiri dan beberapa pemikiran gue sendiri juga. Gue gak bisa poto-poto kece, actually in any kind of photo shot. I always end up with the weird facial expression or stiff pose (well positive thinking aja kalo si potografernya gak jago ngambil poto gue). ...

"Luxury in each detail" - Hubert Givenchy

Yesterday I was hang out with my friend, we talked about everything from love life, our li ves , someone’s life, and sex. Yes I do talk about sex with my friend(s), yes we share some crazy stor ies and awkward-sex-moment to each other (maybe I will wrote about that later or someday). And then she talked about my blog, she completely on the same page with me about my last post (I kinda surprise that my friend read my blog, because I really aware that my blog aren’t popular as myself), even though she agree to me, but she said that I (kinda) rude ( I don’t know, rude is a strong word right ? ). And she said that I should put a warning sign in my blog. It made me thinking, “ is it? ” W ell if someone feel offended with my post, I’m sorry but I will not apologize what I have said. That post was completely my honest thought s and my opinion s . Am I a bad person or superior-self person who hate everyone designs and mine was better or even great. No , I’m not that shallow, I just ...