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Jakarta Fashion Week 2016: My Very Late Review

Hey readers, sorry it’s been a while since the last post. I’ve been through some dramas before, and no I’m not gonna talked about that. Okay, it’s December already the raining season in my country. Gue suka hujan, it gives me chill, cozy and relaxing mood. Buat beberapa orang lebih menganggap hujan itu momennya buat galau dan sedih-sedihan, and the famous quote is “I love rain, because none can see me crying in the rain”. Well kalo gue sih lebih milih buat singing, screaming, and dancing in the rain just like when I was a kid and it makes me feel so liberating (so much fun memories). Alasan kedua kenapa gue suka hujan adalah you can wear layers or coats to improve your outfit. Di Indonesia yg begitu “tropical” ini satu-satunya waktu yang tepat buat pake coat or maybe boots cuman pas hujan aja sih. Dan alasan yang terakir adalah karena hujan itu bawa rejeki (according to my religion). Yahh gitu deh ya hujan menurut gue.

Okay, sekarang gue bakal ngomongin JFW 2016 Oktober kemaren. Yess gue emang telat buat ngereview JFW kemaren, yahh mending telat daripada gak sama sekali kan ya. Yaa setelah sekian taun gak dapet invitation, ternyata tahun ini pun gue masi belum dapet invitation JFW 2016 (sucks being me). Okay let’s get started. First of all, I warn you this post may includes some strong words, so I’m sorry if you get offended and second I’ll try my best to behave my sassy comments. As the starter I won’t talk trash or mean things about the designer or their collection. Okay, I will review “THE-REALLY-GOOD-DESIGNER” and “THE-NOT-SO-GOOD-BUT-NOT-BAD-EITHER-DESIGNER”.

Okay let’s talk about “THE-REALLY-GOOD-DESIGNER”, my favorites in JFW 2016 are MAJOR MINOR feat EKO NUGROHO and TOTON. Both of their collection are astonishingly beautiful. Pertama kita bahas MAJOR MINOR feat EKO NUGROHO dulu deh. Their collection are simply edgy, dynamic and very young. The asymmetrical silhouette and great printing design turn to a great combo. And I’m quite happy when they work together with Eko Nugroho. For all of you yang gak tau siapa Eko Nugroho? Dia seniman Indonesia yang ikutan ngedesain scarf for Louis Vuitton. And FYI, mereka juga tampil di Jepang Fashion Week.

Kedua TOTON. His collections are amazing, very clean, nice color choices, simple silhouette, asymmetrical cut, and traditionally modern batik print. The details are magnificent flowery but strong. And the batik print blocking is mixing perfectly. Yess, I’m really into his batik print, very modern yet elegant not like cheap, tacky and bad color blocking like Ivan Gunawan collections. Ivan’s collections keliatan murahan kayak batik yang dijual di pasar-pasar, ditambah dengan black stripes print makes it more nonsense at all. Buat designer yang lain, please take note from TOTON ama MAJOR MINOR yaa.

Pindah ke aliran muslimah, yupp pasaran fashion hijab muslim in Indonesia makin ramai dan beragam dari tahun ke tahun. My favorite is ETU by Restu Anggraini. What I really love from this collections are, the pants. Yup, if you can see most of the hijab designer use big long flare skirt, very feminine and girly girl look. But not ETU, the collection shows strong and independent women (and ready to rule the world *back sound beyonce’s song). I love the simple silhouette with nice color choices, and the pants are totally changing the game. Pas gue liatin potonya ke temen gue dan gue minta dia buat bandingkan ama Dian Pelangi’s collections, she likes ETU because the ‘boyish’ look and still look simply good. Dan pendapat dia tentang Dian Pelangi adalah “Assalamualaikum Dian Pelangi. Ukhti ngerti gak sih ama yang namanya sporty look itu kayak gimana?” yupp I quoted what she said and ask her permission to post it in my blog. Gue sih jujur juga gak ngerti konsep sporty look yang jadi inspirasi Dian Pelangi, tapi yaudahlah ya dia punya duit buat tampil di JFW, sedangkan gue cuman bisa apa.

Well sebenernya ada banyak lagi sih, ada Tex Saverio yang combine feminine cut with rock boyish details, ada Itang Yunasz with a great design print (really good for mature people in their 30’s), ada Rama Dauhan juga, dan banyak lainnya

Okay move on to “THE-NOT-SO-GOOD-BUT-NOT-BAD-EITHER”. Ada Indonesia sweethearts Luna Maya. Nah artis yang satu ini udah sering banget promote koleksinya di media social, and her phenomenal selfie with her models and friends in the runway. So the collections are kinda plain I guess, it inspired from kimono and japans urban culture but I think they not really stood out, probably there is something missing. I quoted what a friend said, “Ekspektasi gue terlalu tinggi, pas liat hasil rancangan JFW 2016 ternyata gak jauh beda ama baju-baju di ITC Kuningan/Ambassador”- Debby 23 tahun, yang sorenya abis jalan dari sana.

Ada juga Andita Siswandi yang sangat feminine with the cutting and their flowery details. Ada juga Eridani, Michelle Tjokrosaputro, dan lainnya. So jadi itulah beberapa desainer Indonesia that caught my eyes. 

Mungkin kalian semua wondering kenapa gak bahas Sebastian Gunawan, Biyan, ato Anna Avantie ato desainer senior lainnya. Gue gak bahas mereka disini karena their collection way more elaborate, complex, and mostly not outfit you would wear to hang out with your friends tho’. Okay, bye fellow reader.


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