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Reminder For My Blog

Hey fellow readers, it’s been a while (I know, I feel really bad to myself) I hope you still read my blog. I made a promise that will updating and posting bunch of content on my blog, turns out I (kinda) neglecting it (again). But I’m back now, with umm I don’t have anything to tell or show to you guys, wow what a lame opening. Okay, will fix it later let’s talk something else like my life.
There’s nothing much happens in my life, and it scares me. I don’t ask or expect my life becomes full of drama like Hanna Bakers life in 13 Reasons Why (I watch this, and Hanna I got to admit you’re pathetic bitch, why you have to do suicide if you can do internet live streaming like in Easy A) although I have tons of drama in the office but it doesn’t count at all. 

Have you ever felt like you wake up every morning but you regretting it, you want go somewhere for a holiday or just a quick getaway to do stress relieve but you don’t know where, nothing excites you no more, you lost the spark inside you. Bam! Congratulations you become a zombie. And yes I felt that way lately, and I don’t know why, I kept thinking that maybe I just stress from work and need a quick getaway. But when I decide to do that, I don’t know where to go. I lost in my mind (and probably soulless)

I try to go meet my friends (sometimes when I have something bothering my mind I like to listen my friends problem to distract my mind for a while), we talk and hang out talk about work life, her life and her problems with boyfriend. And I swear to God, I literally just sitting in front of her having no interest and wandering “WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!”

Turns out I have finally facing my fears, I’m losing track. My sparks has finally left my body, I neglecting it and wasting it. And now I’m not sure is it still exist or just a flickering little by little. I don’t want to live a life like this, I have to find my mojo, I have to burning up that flickering sparks into a fabulous firework. 
this is my recent doodle, go check my instagram @ejhgrph

I will pull myself together. I will back to designing and giving ugly mean comments about designers (okay I will give neutral comments about their design). It’s not just an empty promise, I keep my words because I’m a man and with your support guys, I will do my best to give a good contents.


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