I’m back readers
(wearing sunglass with red laser eyes behind it). My big apologies to you
fellow readers, so sorry I haven’t post for a long time ago. I’ve been busy
with my job as creative director in my small business with my friends. It takes
my time, my energy, and my focus into it. But I’m happy tho’, because I can do
what I’m happily to do it (designing of course). So sorry readers I didn’t
designing my design collection this year for summer and winter. But I’m always
designing inside my head. By the way in this moment I will mix bahasa Indonesia
in my blog, I do this because my friend said to be my blog become more
approachable. So okay, I will write in Indonesia and mixed with English.
Okay what should
we talked about peeps? Rupiah melemah, Trump is the biggest jerk president
candidate, atau curhatan temen gue? Ahahahaaa, none the above for our topic
today. Tapi tetep aja sih gue bingung mau bahas apaan. Mmmm, gimana kalo bahas
gimana bencinya gue ama moschino. Yes I’m talking about you Jeremy scott and
how much I hate your entire collection. Semua bermula ketika gue mulai melek
ama moschino dibawah naungan Alberta Ferreti, Yup now she’s busy with her own
label Alberta Ferreti. Nah entah siapa yang nunjuk Jeremy Scott buat gantiin
Alberta Ferreti jadi Creative Director Moschino. Setelah Jeremy Scott became
Moschino Creative Director, everything is ruined. Every design is not so
original and doesn’t look high fashion at all. Liat aja sweater merah moschino
with big yellow M on it, mm let me guess is it McDonald? Or what about the
black jacket, kinda look alike with chanel iconic jacket, isn’t it? (and the
purse too). I can’t stand to look at it, it is really bad (btw, that his
first debut in Moschino). Semenjak itu Moschino mulai banyak dilirik orang
orang dan mulai terkenal dikalangan selebriti Hollywood and become viral.
Kadang ngeliat designer dg taste seperti itu kok bisa jadi designer terkenal,
lah gue yg taste bagus and
punya bakat design kok idupnya gini gini aja. Life isn’t fair, I know but I’m
not giving up on my dream. JEREMY SCOTT

WOW design, very original, bold color, so trendy-chic, much inspiring (insert meme doge) |
Let’s move on to
my local designers. Well setiap tahunnya Jakarta Fashion Week memamerkan design
dari designer local. Some of them are good, some of them are tacky, ugly, and
not-so-good. Indonesian tacky designer is designer who I always questioning about their
taste. Mereka itu kayak gak mau kalah ama designer luar seperti Elie Saab,
Zuhair Murad, Alexander Mcqueen ato yang lainnya. Konsep nya selalu ada unsur
glamour, high fashion, many beads, pearls, and don’t forget the big extravagant
skirt and silhouette. Kadang juga diikuti dengan tampilan make up putih bedak
tebal like a royal highness. Dan semua itu campur jadi satu menjadi NORAK. Kalo ugly designer adalah
designer yang jelek, well there’s nothing to say about it beside ugly. Its like
the first time you see the dress or design, the word ugly come right away to
your mind. The Not-So-Good-Designer is mostly a former celebrity or famous
people yang mencoba untuk memamerkan hasil rancangan kreatif mereka. Kenapa gue
bilang Not-So-Good karena koleksi rancangan mereka biasa aja gak ada keunikan,
gak ada keotentikan designer in their collection. Mereka kayaknya sih cuman
memanfaatkan keartisan mereka dalam jualan bajunya, it’s like “hey I’m artist,
I design my collection, this collection is totally my taste, it shows my
personality, my collection is so expensive, you can be pretty like me”. Gak
cuman di Indonesia aja sih, di luar negri pun gue mikir gitu, contohnya aja tuh
ya Kanye West ato Britney Spears ama bisnis panties and lingerie nya.
very couture-ish, heavy and stand-out make up and GLAMOUROUS |
this is ivan gunawan collection 2015, i guess inspired from Alexander Mcqueen 2012 collection (well done Mr Ivan, very "inspiring") |
Oia di Indonesia
ada genre baru in fashion (sorry kalo gue pake kata genre, gue gak tau padanan
kata lainnya) yaitu muslim fashion. I guess its because there’s a lot of Muslim
in Indonesia. Biasanya penganut agama islam mewajibkan perempuan untuk memakai
jilbab ato hijab. Nah dari sanalah banyak designer local berlomba lomba menjadi
designer hijab. Salah satu designer hijab local yang terkenal adalah Dian
Pelangi. She uses rainbow and lots of color blocking in her design, her iconic
( I guess) pattern is tie dye. Kalo gue
pratiin sih ya there’s no grace, beauty, and simplicity in her collection. I
don’t know why she became famous, her collection is not-so-good (and sometimes
tacky mix with ugly). When she did the color block in her collection, gue
ngerasa kek ngeliat efek LSD and not in the good way. Sometimes I wander, did
she use LSD drug when designing (if she does, please quit or change to a good
drugs). Not just the dress, the hijab itself also confusing. Entah gimana cara
dia ato orang2 yang terinspirasi ama dia make hijab. Its completely confusing
and complex (when you see it).
i just got struck by a multicolor from the bad effect of LSD |
Bukannya gue sok
alim ato menceramahi ya, (gue sendiri kadang kafir juga sih ya, kafir ngapain
aja ya cukup gue ama Allah yang tau aja) tapi sepengetahuan gue itu kalo cewek
di Islam itu diwajibkan memakai jilbab dan berbusana (yaelah bahasanya busana,
berasa jaman pertengahan 90an) tidak
boleh mencolok. Well if you want wear hijab or not is your choice actually, you
are a women you have independent choice to do whatever you want. Tapi ketika lo
memakai hijab gak mungkin lagi kan ya lo bisa ketawa gede denger kebodohan
temen lo ato lirikin cowo cakep dimeja sebelah. Lo berubah jadi kalem and
jaiman. Nah sama hal nya ama the way you style, if you wear a hijab then please
be graceful and pretty, if you wanna try color block, edgy or quirky then make
it simple and elegant, always remember less is more (no I don’t talk about your
clothes, I mean your style).
i like this one, very simple yet beautiful siluet and a good color choice |
i love this one, the structure and the flowie fabric is improve the dress's structure |
i love the collection, it's fresh edgy simple and effortless, love designer's color choice |
By the way Dian
Pelangi was on the NYFW a few weeks ago. She show her collection with Barli
Asmara, and Zaskia Sungkar. Well peeps you can decide which one is the tacky,
the Ugly, and the Not-So-Good designer of them all. Have a nice day peeps
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