Yesterday I went to the mall with my friend, We went to H&M. trus gue liat anak skitaran umur 14 ato 15 tahunan lagi milih-milih baju sama bokapnya, I was totally amazed with her look (no, I looked at her not in a creepy way, gue gak pedofilia ya). She wore 90’s grunge outfit; maroon plaid flannel shirt with black tank top , black jeans, black choker, black doc boots, and grey nirvana crop top sweater in her hand. I was amazed with her look, she totally nailed the 90’s (mostly) grunge look even she wasn’t born yet in that era. Gue jadi mikir is it good to bring 90’s back?
Well 90’s years
was fun actually, we have backstreet boys, spice girls, nirvana, blink 82, no
doubt and so many more (this is just the music) we also had great sitcoms and cartoons (much
better and kids related than generation nowadays) mainan era 90an juga keren,
kayak tamagochi ato gamebot (I just can’t get enough with these two). Akhirnya tahun pun berlalu,
kita pun berubah menjadi dewasa (biasanya anak 90an umurnya sekarang
skitar 25an tahun). Pemikiran dan persepsi kita mulai berkembang dan berubah.
Biasanya umur tua (menurut gue sih 25an itu gak tua sama sekali sih ya) diikuti
dengan rasa nostalgic to childhood memories. And guess what, they missed 90’s
memories (dan
salah satunya gue sendiri).
Gue gak tau
siapa yang memulai virus 90’s nostalgic
(awesome) memories. Tapi gue sendiri
punya teori kalo yang memulai virus 90’s nostalgic (awesome) memories adalah orang orang yang
memiliki a great 90’s memories dan merasa bahwa generasi sekarang is totally fucked up (I mean
teen pregnant, teen mom, crappy music and lyric, bad role model artist, shitty
reality program tv show and so on). Jadi mereka memulai mempengaruhi generasi
sekarang dengan hal hal berbau 90’s seperti kerennya game di era 90’s, film
film di tahun 90an, ato dari segi outfit 90an. Well berhubung blog gue adalah
fashion blog, so we are gonna talking about 90’s styles in 2015.
Okay gue bakal
kasi opini gue sendiri bagaimana 90’s look, well umm 90’s look was fun in the
90’s back then. We have baggy wide jeans (you still remember jnco right, they
will comeback in fall 2015), choker necklace, grungy style (dark lips, black
and white video clip, wearing plaid flannel and boots), a colorful and matching
head to toe clothes (or nonsense color block with really bright color) fanny
pack ( I don’t know where to start to talk about this one). Buat referensi yang
gue maksudkan bisa kalian liat aja di video klip nirvana ato spice girls. Nah
banyak designer yang aware sama the 90’s coming back style, mereka mulai mendesain ready to wear
collection that has 90’s touch on it. Entah desainer siapa yang memulai koleksinya sama 90’s touch
but I have a guess it was Moschino ( go check Moschino 2015 collection, you will know what I mean). I once tried to
watch Moschino
show, and I can’t make it through to the end (my eyes was irritating with the
color and design). Seriously Moschino, if you wanna make 90’s comeback please make it more modern
or more 2015-ish.
Ada satu lagi desainer high fashion yang
bikin 2015 collection terinspirasi sama 90’s style (she mix it with modernity
and simplicity nowadays), some are good and some are glittery-ugly (it’s mixed between ugly and tacky
with glitter biar tetep keliatan high fashionnya). Let’s watch Versace 2015
Nah pertanyaannya, apakah gaya 90an pantas dijadikan inspirasi (or
reinvention) sama kayak gaya tahun 60an, 70an ato 80an? Well kalo menurut gue sih gak ya. Kenapa,
karena tahun 90an itu adalah tahunnya coba coba sesuatu yang baru, yang mana
hasilnya sendiri (menurut gue sih) gak trelalu bagus (apalagi kalo di apply ke
gaya sekarang). Sebagai contohnya itu tees under (bright spagethi) tank-top,
nah itu kan kayaknya non-sense banget tuh, ngapain juga lo pake kek gituan
tambah gerah juga. Ato lo pake crop top sweater Nirvana ato grungy look tapi lo
sendiri gak tau music icon dari tampilan grungy itu sendiri. Gak ada satupun
(seingat gue ya) style 90an yang bisa diterapkan buat jaman sekarang. Style 90an
was “too dark” or “too bright” and sometimes mixed between two of them. Style 90an
itu gak seklasik tampilan 70an (and will never be). 90’s style was set in their
age, they will never be “vintage” or classic tho’, end of story. (Please end this trend right now..!!)
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