Whoops, sorry it’s been a while
from the last posting. In the spirits of spring songs, I’m still get excited
about the biggest highlight of my year. It’s a PROM NIGHT, yippy..!! So after a
long-boring and tiring studying in the campus, three my beloved best friend finally
graduated, two of them are my classmates and the other ones are my best friend,
Yosi since after graduated high school. And what could be possibly their wishes
to me, they want me to design they dress for graduation and for the prom night.
It all started a few months ago, my beloved dear friend Dhea and Thari ask me
to design their dresses for their graduation events (well actually I’ve been told
her last year). And then my friend overheard about it, and then she asks me to
design her Prom dress. I feel like Valentino or Vera Wang (okay, that’s not a
good comparison with me).
And then my work begun, I
designed their dresses. They trust me, the first thing they really want is, and
it must look great, perfect, and flawless dress. And I give them my word (and
of course my design) to them. Okay, before I continue, I should tell u about
the graduation events. In the graduation events there’s a dress code, it’s not
like u can walk in and enjoy the nigh and event with mini dress, strapless
dress, backless dress, or even showing a little cleavage. The dress must be
covering up all the bodies but not too tight. That’s a challenge to me, I have
to make politely classic, beautiful, simple yet elegant, and perfect. And when
I talk about this to my best friend, she wants me too to make her graduation
dress (Btw, she just graduated from med school for 3 and half years). It makes me more excited and challenging.
I started to makes sketches but I
haven’t coloring it first, because I don’t want to “force” my color choices to
my friend. There’s a lot of discuss about choosing the colors like “it had to
match with my skin tone, I don’t like this color, I look fat with this color,
and blah blah blah ..”. My job is giving a suggestions and picking all the
materials like satin, silk, embroidered, and of course a floral details. So
after I “robbed” all of my friends in textile store, we went to the tailor.
Yeah, I didn’t sew all of the dress, I just designed it. Good thing is, the
tailor really impressed with my design and give me the compliment. She didn’t
expect that I can design the dress (and again I feel like jumping so high and
landing in the clouds of pink cotton candy like Katy Perry), and she encourage
me to learn sew where she used to. But the classic reason that I always carry,
“I’m broke, I can’t afford it, too broke to saving some money” and the ultimate
big walls in front of me is parents (probably you know about this in the last
And then, the night that I’ve
been waiting for finally come. I’m speechless; all of my design dresses look
fabulous. I feel proud of myself but not too cocky. One thing that makes me
happy is all of my friends feel satisfied with their dress. They look
beautiful, fabulous and flawless. Finally we enjoy the rest of the night with
laugh and of course lots and lots of photo. I will keep the good work, I will
learn more, and of course work harder. Oh almost forgot, in my friends
graduation I gave them graduation gift to my classmates so they can remember
me, they always help me and always have place in my heart. Okay guys, here we
go J
Thari wearing red satin wide dress with dark red embroidered flowers details on top
Dhea wearing purple satin long dress with floral details in the right and left side
Dhea wearing a long wide sleveless satin dress with Songket blazer on top
Nadia wearing cobalt satin long dress with floral details on the chest and waist

Yosipentasari wearing serulian satin emboridered dress with kimono cut on the top and pink obi and mermaid skirts
P.S : Sorry for my bad quality photo, i took all these photos with my camera phone.
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