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Showing posts from December, 2015

Jakarta Fashion Week 2016: My Very Late Review

Hey readers, sorry it’s been a while since the last post. I’ve been through some dramas before, and no I’m not gonna talked about that. Okay, it’s December already the raining season in my country. Gue suka hujan, it give s me chill, cozy and relaxing mood. Buat beberapa orang lebih menganggap hujan itu momennya buat galau dan sedih-sedihan, and the famous quote is “I love rain, because none can see me crying in the rain”. Well kalo gue sih lebih milih buat singing, s creaming, and dancing in the rain just like when I was a kid and it make s me feel so liberating (so much fun memories). Alasan kedua kenapa gue suka hujan adalah you can wear layers or coats to improve your outfit. Di Indonesia yg begitu “tropical” ini satu-satunya waktu yang tepat buat pake coat or maybe boots cuman pas hujan aja sih. Dan alasan yang terakir adalah karena hujan itu bawa rejeki (according to my religion). Yahh gitu deh ya hujan menurut gue. Okay, sekarang gue bakal ngomongin JFW 2016 Oktober kem...